APR (Annual Percentage Rate) as of March 19, 2025 . Rates change daily, please call (800) 649-0193, extension 4925 for today's rate.
Fixed-Rate Loans:
Rates valid up to 80% CLTV for primary residence and up to 75% for rental properties. Owner occupied single family residences, town homes, and condominiums in California only. No mobile or modular homes. Best rates are posted based on FICO score of 730 or higher. Rates may differ if the property is a triplex or fourplex. Lot size must be under five acres and not used for agricultural purposes. Loan payment example: $425.31 per month for each $50,000 borrowed at 6.202% APR for 15 years. Payment example does not include applicable taxes and insurance. Actual obligation will be greater. Rates subject to change daily.
Adjustable-Rate Loans:
APR (Annual Percentage Rate) subject to change without notice. Actual APR offered may differ depending on credit qualifications. All rates are subject to change without notice. Best rate requires FICO score of 730 or higher. Loans available up to $2,000,000.00 and valid up to 80% combined loan-to-value for primary residence and up to 75% financing for rental properties. Full appraisal required and must be paid out of pocket by the borrower. Closing cost are applicable and may be included in the loan amount with the exception of the full appraisal. Properties must be located in California. We do not finance mobile or modular homes. Rates may be higher for 3-4 unit properties. 7/1 ARM: Rate is fixed for seven years and is subject to adjustment every year thereafter. Rate adjustments are based on the Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT) plus or minus a margin. Per annual adjustment cap is 2%. Lifetime cap is 6%.